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February 1, 2022 @ 4:48 am


Provide Responsible Gambling Services

Course Description

QHA offers nationally recognised training in SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) in both online and face to face delivery formats for persons who are involved in the sale and service of gambling on licensed premises. The focus of this course is relevant Queensland regulations, licensing requirements and responsible service of gambling principles. This includes how to identify and assist customers who may have a potential problem gambling issue.

There are two elements (sections) to this course:

1. Implement responsible gambling practices
2. Provide information and assistance to customers about problem gambling


To complete online enrolment, participants will be registered through our web-based eLearning Management System and and agree to comply with assessment submission guidelines. The education regulator requires us to collect your personal particulars and information relating to your schooling and education qualifications. 


You will also need to provide an acceptable form of photo identification (which you upload during the enrolment process) such as:
  • Any Australian drivers licence or learners permit.
  • A foreign drivers licence if written in English, or an International licence if not.
  • A passport, Australian or otherwise.
  • Adult proof of age card.
  • Australia Post Keypass .
  • Other recognised proof of age cards.
ll participants must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to enrol in this course. If you don't have one, you can obtain it here: Participants will also be required to complete a mandatory Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) assessment to test student capacity to complete training of this type. Support is available weekdays during business hours via email or phone.07 3221 6999

Course Delivery

The online training is an entry level course, self-paced and total time to complete is dependent on pre-existing skills and knowledge. Minimum completion time for online RSG is 3.50 hours.

Face to face delivery is provided via in-house courses on request (usually to schools) and as such, online submissions are not required. LLN, identification, and assessments are all conducted as a component of delivery. 


Assessment for this course consists of a combination of multiple choice, true or false and short answer questions, and practical activities. This includes students demonstrating to trainers/assessors that they have gained appropriate knowledge and skills as outlined in the course performance criteria, such as identifying problem gambling and the services available to assist a person with a gambling problem in a simulated industry environment.

Note: Assessment for the online RSG (Final Submission) includes uploading a short video of the student demonstrating the above (identifying problem gambling and describing available services) to a given scenario. 

More information about the assessments is contained in the Introduction part of the course.      

Certificate (Statement of Attainment)

Upon successful completion of the online RSG, you will be awarded a Statement of Attainment for SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Service of Gambling which you will access through the Learner Portal. This nationally recognised qualification does not expire in Queensland, so periodic recertification is not required although best practice suggests refresher training should be undertaken from time to time. 

Although this is a nationally recognised training competency, it is not accepted as a full RSG qualification in some states. This unit of competency forms part of a national qualification package which includes Certificate III in Hospitality and others. Classroom based RSG Statements of Attainment are forwarded in bulk to the particular school. 


For online students, any electronic communication device (e.g. PC/laptop/tablet/smartphone) with a web browser and internet access is required to enter our Learner Portal and complete the online training course and assessments. You will need an email address that is unique to you.

For some practical assessment activities (as mentioned above) students will need to access a smartphone to film the activity for a trainer/assessor to properly assess your skills. 

For face to face training, all resources such as a workbook and stationery will be supplied. Online participants are provided access to resources electronically which includes all learning materials, reference resources, and assessment materials required to successfully complete this hospitality competency. 

QHA Student Handbook

There is a link below to download the QHA Student Handbook which contains a comprehensive suite of policies and procedures in relation to the delivery of accredited and non-accredited training. This also includes information relating to student support, fees and refunds. It is important that you read and understand the information relating to these three items prior to enrolment. 


$22.00 Pay by credit card upon enrolment (QHA members can select to pay by tax invoice)
1. Enrol and pay for the course via our QHA Training website (by credit card)
2. Create username and password to access your Student Portal.
3. Upload photo identification to our system during enrolment. 
4. Complete Language, Literacy and Numeracy test 
5. Access your Student Portal for course material and assessments.
6. Upload Final Submission video via your Student Portal for assessment
8. QHA releases a Statement of Attainment to your portal after successful completion* 
*During normal business hours 

RTO: 30826
Unit of competency details: SITHGAM022 – Provide responsible service of gambling

Summary: Releases
Release Status Release date
1 Current 09 June 2022
Mapping information:
Mapping Notes Date
Supersedes and is equivalent to SITHGAM001 – Provide responsible service of gambling
  • Equivalent
  • Updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages
03 March 2016
Unit Sector: Hospitality
Unit DescriptionThis unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to responsibly sell or serve alcohol.
1. Implement responsible gambling practices
1.1 Follow responsible gambling service procedures according to relevant state and territory legislation and industry and organisational policy and codes of conduct.
1.2 Communicate with appropriate personnel on gambling related incidents, situations and their compliance with legislation and industry and organisational policy.
1.3 Maintain accurate records of gambling related incidents and associated staff action according to industry and organisational policy and procedures
1.4 Ensure gambling environmental features support responsible gambling policies within scope of own responsibility.
2. Provide information and assistance to customers about gambling

2.1 Provide accurate and appropriate information on problem gambling to customers on request.
2.2 Follow procedures for self-exclusion and exclusion according to legislation, industry and organisational policy, and confidentiality and privacy requirements.
2.3 Display signage and information related to responsible gambling in appropriate places visible to players, according to legislative, industry and organisational requirements.
2.4 On request, provide information on available support services according to confidentiality and privacy requirements, and legislative, industry and organisational requirements.

Upcoming Programs

Name Course Start Date Course End Date Cost
Online RSG SITHGAM022 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 $22.00


February 1, 2022
4:48 am


Online Training
BRISBANE CITY, QLD 4000 Australia