Tasmanian Hospitality & Tourism Academy – Proudly brought to you by VXT CLASSROOM Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol – SITHFAB021

Tasmanian Hospitality & Tourism Academy – Proudly brought to you by VXT CLASSROOM Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol – SITHFAB021


The Class based RSA, is $60.00 in Hobart and $70.00 in regional Tasmania, an invoice will be issued to participants by Tasmanian Hospitality & Tourism Academy once enrolled, for payment prior to the course date.

SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) is offered by Classroom for those who are involved in the sale and supply/service of alcohol according to relevant Tasmania regulations.  This unit focuses on the performance outcomes, skills, and knowledge necessary for the responsible sale, service or supply of alcohol.

QHA offers nationally recognised training in SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) classroom delivery formats for persons who are involved in the sale and supply/service of alcohol according to relevant Tasmanian regulations, licensing requirements and responsible service of alcohol principles. Subject matter includes identifying minors, or unduly intoxicated or disorderly patrons, which can result in a refusal of service.

There are four elements (sections) to this course:

1. Follow the principles of responsible service of alcohol.
2. Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits.
3. Assess alcohol affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused.
4. Refuse to provide alcohol.


The Class based RSA, is $60.00 in Hobart and $70.00 in regional Tasmania, an invoice will be issued to participants by Tasmanian Hospitality & Tourism Academy  once enrolled, for payment prior to the course date.

This unit focuses on the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge necessary for the responsible sale, service or supply of alcohol.  It applies to various work settings, such as hospitality venues, packaged liquor outlets, and establishments like wineries, breweries and distilleries.  Personnel at all levels, including food and beverage attendants, salespersons, cellar door staff, delivery services, and security personnel are covered.

The unit addresses the responsibilities of the licensee overseeing alcohol service and incorporates state and territory liquor licensing laws.  Certification requirements vary by region, and completion of this unit may be mandatory for individuals involved in alcohol related roles in licensed premises.  Difference in legislative requirements across states and territories may necessitate additional training or bridging courses.

QHA offers nationally recognised training in SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) classroom delivery formats for persons who are involved in the sale and supply/service of alcohol according to relevant Tasmanian regulations, licensing requirements and responsible service of alcohol principles. Subject matter includes identifying minors, or unduly intoxicated or disorderly patrons, which can result in a refusal of service.

There are four elements (sections) to this course:

1. Follow the principles of responsible service of alcohol.
2. Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits.
3. Assess alcohol affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused.
4. Refuse to provide alcohol.

VXT RSA Classroom

Name Course Start Date Course End Date Cost
VXT RSA Classroom - Launceston 27/03/2025 27/03/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Hobart 28/04/2025 28/04/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Hobart 27/06/2025 27/06/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom -Devonport 23/07/2025 23/07/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Launceston 24/07/2025 24/07/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Hobart 20/08/2025 20/08/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Hobart 30/10/2025 30/10/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Launceston 12/11/2025 12/11/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Devonport 13/11/2025 13/11/2025 $0.00
VXT RSA Classroom - Hobart 24/11/2025 24/11/2025 $0.00