ONLINE LEARNING – SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol

ONLINE LEARNING – SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol



QHA offers nationally recognised training in SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) online course for persons who are involved in the sale and supply/service of alcohol according to relevant Queensland regulations, licensing requirements and responsible service of alcohol principles. Subject matter includes identifying minors, or unduly intoxicated or disorderly patrons, which can result in a refusal of service.

There are four elements (sections) to this course:

1. Sell or serve alcohol responsibly
2. Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits
3. Assess alcohol-affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused.
4. Refuse to provide alcohol


QHA offers nationally recognised training in SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) online course for persons who are involved in the sale and supply/service of alcohol according to relevant Queensland regulations, licensing requirements and responsible service of alcohol principles. Subject matter includes identifying minors, or unduly intoxicated or disorderly patrons, which can result in a refusal of service.

There are four elements (sections) to this course:

1. Sell or serve alcohol responsibly
2. Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits
3. Assess alcohol-affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused.
4. Refuse to provide alcohol

QHA offers Classroom Based nationally recognised training in SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) in both online and face to face delivery formats for persons who are involved in the sale and supply/service of alcohol according to relevant Queensland regulations, licensing requirements and responsible service of alcohol principles. Subject matter includes identifying minors, or unduly intoxicated or disorderly patrons, which can result in a refusal of service.

There are four elements (sections) to this course:

1. Sell or serve alcohol responsibly
2. Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits
3. Assess alcohol-affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused.
4. Refuse to provide alcohol

Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol

Name Course Start Date Course End Date Cost
Online RSA SITHFAB021 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 $22.00